Changes for the Better

Please forgive this long post: February 2nd, 2018 is a day that the School of Music and its course was changed forever! The fire in the complex in which the School of Music was located, engulfed the building, and shut us down from teaching music. We would NOT be denied our mission!!!!

My wife Rachel spent the day and next week calling all students and teachers arranging for lessons to continue at several off site locations. She was able to retain over 90% of our students!! I Love You my dear wife!!!

Serv Pro diligently and relentlessly cleaned every single item in the school, thus saving several irreplaceable items we use for daily operations.

State Farm Claims was on location in minutes and literally in the smoke of the building taking stock of the damage. Big shout out to Jeff Putfark for standing by us through this most difficult time and test of will.

The teachers we have are most awesome for having the “stick it out” attitude and riding the wave of well, every emotion one could feel with such a disaster. God has blessed us with the most amazing and dedicated music teachers anybody could ever ask for! THANK YOU TO MY TEACHERS!!!!!

Finally, without the dedication of our wonderful students and parents/grandparents, we would not have been able to reopen and be where we are today! Also, I must thank the City of Gretna and Mayor Belinda Constant for wanting us to be in Gretna and opening their arms to us with so much love.

I could go on and on with more; however, I really just want to thank everyone involved with the School of Music!!!
Y’all are AWESOME! 🎶🎹🎶🎶🎹🎶